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 Licensing Agreement

    Light & Dark (c) is copyrighted 1993, 1994 by DataEnter, Michael Kocum.

    This product and its documentation may not, in whole or in part, be
    copied, reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
    system, or translated into any other natural or computer language, in
    any form or by any means whatsoever, be it electronic, mechanical,
    magnetic, optical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written
    consent of DataEnter.

    DataEnter makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or
    implied, with respect to the product Light & Dark Library and its
    documentation, their quality, perfomance, merchantability, or fitness
    for a particular purpose. DataEnter reserves the right to revise the
    user's guide and make changes in the content without obligation to
    notify any person or organization of such a change.

    In no event will DataEnter be liable for any direct, indirect,
    special, incidental or consequential damages, real or imagined,
    resulting from the use or purchase of this software.
    Under no circumstances shall DataEnter's liability for damages
    exceed the price paid for the software license.

    Should any remedy hereunder be determined to have failed, all
    limitations of liability and exclusion of damages set forth above
    shall remain in full force and effect.

    The extent of the DataEnter's warranty for the software and its
    documentation is limited to physical defects of the distribution media
    containing the software. Contact DataEnter to obtain return
    authorization for the replacement diskette within 30 days of the
    original date of purchase. Any further statement made by agents,
    employees, distributors or dealers of DataEnter do not constitute
    warranties and are not binding. No employee of DataEnter has the
    authority to modify any portion of this warranty.

    All brand and product names we refer to in the documentation are used
    solely for identification purposes and may be trademarks of other

    DataEnter, (the licensor) grants the buyer (the licensee)
    the right to use this copy of the Light & Dark Library (the program)
    on a single computer at a single location as long as the
    licensee complies with the terms of this license. The licensor
    reserves the right to terminate this license if the licensee
    violates any part of the agreement.

    The licensee agrees to make copies of the program only for backup
    purposes. The licensee agrees not to copy the documentation and to
    take all necessary precautions to ensure that the backup copies of the
    software are not distributed to or acquired by other parties.

    The licensee has the right to combine all or part of the contents of
    the program with any application, private or commercial, which he may
    develop. The licensee agrees not to extract specific sections of the
    program and distribute them in any form, manner or fashion unless as
    an integral part, and incorporated into, his application. The licensee
    agrees not to sell Light & Dark to any other person or entity in whole
    or in part.

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